Pacentro, is a beautiful location of Majella National Park included in the prestigious club of "The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy". It is an ancient fortified town of about 1,300 inhabitants, situated on a hill (690 m. above sea level) overlooking the entire Valle Peligna.
The beautiful old town is characterized by the high towers of the imposing Castle-Caldora Cantelmo (XI-XIII sec.), one of the more interesting of Abruzzo, and is enriched by the presence of several other monuments of high value, such as the parish church S. Maria Maggiore, with its rich portal of 1603, and within, a magnificent Baroque wooden pulpit, the church of S. Pope Marcellus (XI-XII sec.), the Church of the Immaculate Conception and the seventeenth-century fountain in Piazza del Popolo. Extraordinarily beautiful the many alleys in the oldest part of the country.
The village was one of the most important and famous center of L'Aquila for the skill and industry of its patient women, who spun and wove silk (Pacentro handkerchiefs were already famous in the eighteenth century), flax and hemp and were masters in the art of embroidery. Even today there are beautiful crochet work and embroidery: wedding favors, shopping, bedspreads, tablecloths, which represent significantly the local traditions handed down from generation to generation as a treasure that must not be lost ...

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