I traboccchi e la costa Abruzzo

La Costa dei Trabocci in Abruzzo

The Chieti coast is among the many that can be found in the region. The area further north, which runs from Francavilla al Mare consists of a long strip of golden sand where alternating small stretches of beach with a dense network of plants, also called chalet or 'baths', equipped with every convenience. Here, the first bathing establishment was founded in 1873 and since then has never stopped Francavilla draw tourists from all over Italy and Europe that not only appreciate the liveliness of the coast that evening comes alive with festivals and concerts, may rely on tranquility that reigns at the top, perched overlooking the sea on the sequence of houses that populate the modern part of town. Here is located the Convent of Francesco Paolo Michetti, who became a cultural ideal refuge coterie of Gabriele D'Annunzio and other Abruzzi talent as a musician Francesco Paolo Tosti and Barbella.To visit the new Mumi, the museum named after Michetti located in the renovated rooms of the old Convent of St. Dominic, and the church of S. Franco, recently built, but which houses a precious monstrance of 1413 the goldsmith Nicola da Guardiagrele. From Francavilla continues along the coastline and straight up to the first ripples of the coastal landscape with promontories of Torre Mucchia Ferruccio Punta, Punta Lunga, Repair of Job.Thus we arrive at Ortona also known for the port, the best equipped for commercial traffic. The walk East, a curvaceous balcony that overlooks the sea, leads to the Cathedral of St. Thomas, the Aragonese Castle, the austere Palazzo Farnese.Here, the old city center, lies the old palace Crow, now the seat of Tosti and Regional Enoteca, an ideal place to taste and learn about the history of the wines from Abruzzo. Continuing from Ortona to the south coast takes new forms, is enlivened with a thousand beaches and coves, some hidden, some large and welcoming, real ponds where crystal-clear Adriatic green and gold of the white pebble beach or play confused and are characterized with eloquent names such as "beautiful water" and "blue Cape." We are already in San Vito Chietino, the 'land of gorse' where Gabriele D'Annunzio, in the silence of his retreat (the retreat dannunziano fact) wrote the most beautiful pages of the Triumph of Death.

This is considered one of the most fascinating areas of the entire coastline, quiet and rich aromas of the sea and vegetation, orchards and olive groves. And 'here that a short distance into the water rise the overflowing "... the car that seemed to live their harmony, and an effigy of the body having an air core," as he described the poet, original constructions used for similar fishing piers, built and supported with wood that carries on the sea beaches and the rocks. Further south, after a bend on the road which runs alongside the sea and rail, here Fossacesia Marina, dominated by the imposing ruins of the spectacular abbey of S. Giovanni in Venere. On these shores, where the earth tries to lick the sea, reigns the Mediterranean while further south is the only major coastal forest of Abruzzo is not artificially implanted, the ilex grove of Torino di Sangro, also composed of oak, turkey oak, oriental hornbeam and elm.The lushness of the stain still on the beaches of Casalbordino, Villa Alfonsina, of Punta Penna and at the nature reserve of Punta d'Erce (or Punta Aderci), up to the doors of Vasto, coastal town with a glorious past (Histonium was an important seaport Roman) divided, as many coastal towns of Abruzzo between the top and the sea. From the old town, dominated by the medieval castle that had its heyday under the Bourbon rule, affords extensive views over the Gulf of Vasto Marina, one of the best equipped for beach tourism and entertainment.
From here the coast continues quiet and sly toward the San Salvo Marina which is the border between Abruzzo and Molise, with the largest beach in some places still a little wild.

Vasto caostline

In a few minutes to get to Vasto, the ancient Histonium, which starts the last part of the Gulf coast of Abruzzo, with its Golden, admirable from the impressive Belvedere Blades. The center, in the upper part of town, is rich of monuments testifying its glorious past: the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, the Cathedral of St. Joseph, the old Castle and the Palace Caldoresco D'Avalos, currently houses the Museum of Archaeology and Art Gallery. Of great importance is Punta Aderci regional reserve established in 1998 to protect the rocky coastline between Vasto and Casalbordino. The area of ​​great botanical and geological interest, offers excellent opportunities for birdwatchers while the summer is wonderful for swimming and diving.San Salvo is developed in part on the hill and partly along the Marina. The administrative and economic center is located in the upper town, which was founded on the banks of the river Trigno and whose original (XI - XII sec.) Seems to derive originally from a convent of Cistercian authors of an intense and exciting phase of reclamation and development cultivation of land. The historical memory of San Salvo found hospitality in the museum "House of Culture", where you can admire the remains of Roman and medieval old town, but the main monument of the old town is the church of San Giuseppe. The Navy is still partly intact with a beach sometimes wild around which have been developing the hotel business, catering and leisure.

Travel to Costa Trabocchi

Besides being one of the most attractive seaside resorts of the coast, with the popular Lido Lido Riccio and Saracens, Ortona has one of the best equipped ports in Abruzzo. A splendid panoramic view of the city is offered by the Eastern Promenade, where you can get to the Aragonese Castle, the Cathedral of St. Thomas and the Palazzo Farnese, built to become the summer residence of Margaret of Austria and now houses the Museum and the Pinacoteca Cascella Civic. Just near the castle is located the charming Palazzo Corvo, the fifteenth century., Headquarters of the Abruzzo region and of the Musical Tosti. The interior, however, contains an agricultural basin of great importance, which is accompanied by the core commercial and industrial buildings.South of San Vito Chetino you identify the most pristine stretch of coastline frentano: here, in the territory of Rocca San Giovanni, where the beaches alternating with cliffs overlooking the sea, the rich natural environment of Punta Cavalluccio houses the Centre for environmental documentary "Trabocchi coast." In the ancient fortified town, founded in 1076, is worth visiting the parish church of St. Matthew, declared a national monument, which houses a beautiful canvas of 300, representing the Madonna of the Spaceship.

Fossacesia offers one of the loveliest corners of the central Adriatic with the splendid Gulf of Venus is dominated by the hill on which stands the ancient Abbey of San Giovanni in Venere, a reference to all monuments of the Abruzzo. Fossacesia, as Rocca San Giovanni, is divided into two parts: the historical center, surrounded by rich olive groves, where the town hall, and the Navy.

Torino di Sangro has a beautiful panoramic location in the sea and drown the end of the valley Sangrina. In the center are to visit the parish church of St. Saviour of the '700, the monumental complex of San Felice, with the church and convent, and the Palazzo Priori. Behind the marine part, is the famous "ilex," declared a nature reserve with regional law and protected by the Italian Botanical Society. Near the woods there is a well-kept cemetery of British killed in bloody Battle of the Sangro in 1943, while in Le Morge, further south, open beaches of gravel and sand.The fine sand is found in the Lido Casalbordino, behind which lie the rich forests of San Savino and Don Venancio and the ruins of the Abbey of Santo Stefano in Rivomarsi.

Inland, about 12 km from the coast we find Lanciano, first colony and then Roman Municipality, founded under the name Anxanon who became the second century. B.C. Anxanum, Lanciano is among the most fascinating cities in the region with a glorious past that has seen important center during the Middle Ages to the famous fairs which attracted merchants from all sides, even from foreign countries. Among the many artistic treasures of the city is worth visiting the sixteenth century Cathedral, called Santa Maria del Ponte built the bridge of three arches of the third century Diocletian., Located near the central Piazza Plebiscite. Not far away are the churches of Santa Maria Maggiore (1227), surely the most beautiful in the region, and the church of San Biagio and St. Augustine, in Rome over the church of San Francesco, where the miracle took place in the eighteenth century, namely the transformation in the host blood during Mass today preserves the precious reliquary monstrance. Remains to be seen, the tower and the Porta San Biagio Montanara, the last of the nine entrances to the city.

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